About me ...
I earned an MS in Biology from NM State University in 1976. After spending ten years in environmental science research, I held environmental compliance positions with local government agencies in the middle Rio Grande Valley for 23 years until my retirement in 2011. I was first elected to the Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors in 2003, and have served as Chairman for fifteen of my eighteen years on the Board. In recognition of my life-long commitment to natural resources conservation, I have also been appointed to the NM Water Quality Control Commission (2003-2013), the Water Protection Advisory Board (2012-present), the Mid-Region Council of Governments Water Resources Board (2012-present) and the NM Soil and Water Conservation Commission (2014-present). My experience serving on nonprofit Boards includes the Open Space Alliance (2011-present), Environmental Education of New Mexico (2018-present), Cancer Services of New Mexico (2020-present) and the Bosque Ecological Monitoring Program (2021-present). I also joined the part-time faculty at Central New Mexico Community College in 2010 and I continue teaching classes in biology and environmental science. I'm registered as an Independent, and I tend to be progressive in my political views. I'm the proud father of three children and grandfather of five grandchildren, and I own property in northeast Albuquerque where I reside.
Endorsement: Senator Martin Heinrich
It's a tremendous privilege to receive the endorsement of Senator Martin Heinrich. Senator Heinrich is a tireless advocate for the preservation of natural resources in New Mexico, and his endorsement means a great deal to me. Here's the Senator's endorsement statement:
"As a strong proponent of conservation and preserving our natural resources, I am proud to endorse James Steven Glass and Zoe Economou for Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District. Their leadership, vision and dedication is invaluable for the future of our region. Providing pathways for both urban and rural residents of the district, they are directly addressing our growing issues with soil, water and natural resources as well as engaging in local agriculture. They are true public servants, and we cannot afford to lose their leadership.
Please join me in electing James Steven Glass and Zoe Economou for Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District."
Endorsement: Bernalillo County Commissioner Pyskoty
I'm honored and humbled to share that Bernalillo County Commissioner Charlene Pyskoty has endorsed me for Position 4 on the Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors! Here's Commissioner Pyskoty's statement:
"It is with great confidence that I endorse Steve Glass for re-election to Position 4 of the Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District. Steve has served with commitment, compassion, and expertise for the past 18 years. His knowledge and experience are top-notch and much needed, especially now. He has always been responsive to my constituents, especially in the East Mountains, who contend with drought, fire, and erosion issues daily. Please vote to keep Steve Glass working for us on the Ciudad SWCD!"
Charlene Pyskoty, MPH, LPCC
Chair, Bernalillo County Commissioner, District 5
Endorsement: Sierra Club, Rio Grande Chapter
I'm excited and honored to have received the endorsement of the Rio Grande Chapter of the Sierra Club for Position 4 on the Ciudad Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors. Here's the endorsement notification from the Political Chair:
"As indicated in my phone call a couple of days ago, the Sierra Club has voted to endorse you in your legislative race. Congratulations! You are free to announce this endorsement or publicize it at any time as you see fit. Please specify that the endorsement is from the Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter.
Congratulations again and the best of luck in your campaign. "
Richard Barish
Political Chair, Rio Grande Chapter and Central N.M. Group Sierra Club
Endorsement: Bruce Thomson, Ph.D, P.E.
It's with deep gratitude that I share an endorsement from Bruce Thomson , Ph.D., P.E., Research Professor at UNM & Chair of AMAFCA Board of Directors. Both UNM and AMAFCA have been excellent partners with Ciudad SWCD on previous grant-funded research projects that have advanced the state of knowledge regarding water quality impacts in the Rio Grande.
Support Statement: Joaquin Baca, MRGCD
I'm excited to announce the support of Joaquin Baca, Position 4 Director on the Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District! MRGCD is a strong partner in Ciudad SWCD local agriculture initiatives, and I very much appreciate the support of Director Baca.
Resume (click here)
League of Women Voters Questionnaire (click here)
Information About Candidates (click here)